
Skin Care

Beauty Tips and Health FitnessSkin Care

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (9)

It now the mid of summer, the sizzling hot weather is now on its peak. In summer we face a lot of skin problems due to the enticing sunlight and heat. Women mostly are so conscious about their complexion and skin. Now you need not to worry about it, Today for you people i am going to share Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight. As we all know the sunlight and heat badly affects the soft areas of body especially face and brings rashing, acne, scars, dulness and the complexion becomes dark. Below i have shared some useful and most easy tips which you can follow simply. They will help you out whether you are facing from any type of this situation. Must try these easy ways and prevent your body from the heat of sizzling hot summer.

Most Easy and Useful Tips To Prevent Your Skin From Sunlight Heat in Hot Summer | 8 Helpful tips How to Protect your Skin in Summer

  • Exfoliating & Scrubbing:

Exfoliating means removal of dead and inactive cells from skin. It is very helpful towards your face, as your skin needs to be exfoliated daily by using any type of Body mask. You can also adopt scrubbing, use any branded scrubbing cream on the area and massage it in a circular motion. After sometime neat the area and wash it with a slightly warm water. By doing this procedure gives you a natural shiny healthy skin. You can also use cleansing milk to cleanse  daily at night for removal of dead cells and makeup harms.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (2)

  • Drinking Plenty of Water – Hydrate

In summer our body needs extra amount of water for its proper working. Daily drink 10-15 glass of water so that your body meets the water requirements and grow healthy. Dead cells are actually the result of Lack and deficiency of water so drink more and more water to have a glowing healthy life.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (3)

  •  Moisturizer:

Moisturizing your skin is another beneficial tip to make it natural and healthier.You can use moisturizer creams and lotions at any time. The best way to moisturize your skin is by taking shower. The shower waters your body and expose the pores out of it. After going for a bath you can adopt scrubbing. Use low moisturizer creams according to your skin type.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (7)

  • Using Sun Block

As we cant stay at home all the time, we have to move in that sizzling sunlight and we cant betray it. To protect your body from that heat & sunlight use good quality sun blocks, it blocks the directed sun rays that are harmful towards our skin . So in summer always use sun block or sun creams few minutes before leaving home. You are also suggested to use SPF 30 sun block for better results.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (5)

  • Taking Cold  Shower:

Always avoid taking long hot showers in summer because it leads to to give you a dry skin and cause dulness.Take and prefer colder water showers and water your soul with greatness.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (1)

  • Fine Feet, Arms and Hands:

Always take care of your exposed body parts. As your are doing a lot for your face, your arms, hands and feet also deserve to be cared and protected from sunlight and heat. Use Vaseline along the exposed skin areas and wash them daily at night to make them soft and neat. Feet are always one of the most noticeable things of a woman’s body. Protect your feet by using Vaseline and wear a proper summer shoes or sandals.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (6)

  • Daily Cleansing:

Cleanse properly your skin by using branded cleansing milks and cream, you may use mild cleanser because it is suitable for daily purpose use. If you wear makeup them must remove it before going to the bed at night, Make use of good toner for wipe out the makeup stuff and light moisturizer to keep your face moisten.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (4)

  • Young Skin:

Daily or Often do physical exercise according to your figure type. Use high quality and branded cosmetics products for your skin if needed otherwise use homemade techniques and natural ways to make your skin healthy and glowing.

Most Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin From Summer Heat & Sunlight (9)

See More As:

How To Make a Perfect Mud Facial Mask

Tips to Get a Flat Belly in Few Days

Must try Some Natural Beauty Tips

Easy Ways to Get Pink Lips in Every Season

How To Apply a Perfect Foundation

How to Get Younger Glowing Skin in Few Days

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Beauty Tips and Health FitnessSkin Care

How To Make a Perfect Homemade Mud Facial Mask for Clear & Glowing Skin | Step by Step Tutorial To Make a Mud Mask

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (3)

Women as always are conscious about their Skin, especially the face. As face overall covers the personality and look of a person so you must special take care of your facial skin. Different types of natural and artificial ways are used to gleam the skin. Several Cosmetics products are available at shops and stores, Facial masks are of great impact and one of the most preferred one is Mud Facial Mask. Here i am going to share most easy and best homemade way to form a perfect Facial Mud Mask. Below mentioned are is the steps, follow them stepwise you will have a best Mask for your face. Now you have to go to spa or saloon for your beauty treatments, you can easily try this method at home. Get your beautiful and glowing skin by adopting this technique.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Homemade Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin

  • Take few amounts of Milk, 1 or 2 tablespoons of milk, a pure, filtered and strained water or cooled green tea into a clean bowl. If you have a dry skin then use milk otherwise if oily then use water. Green tea is so helpful for age reversing and anti aging effects to fight upon with lines and wrinkles.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (6)


  • Then add few amounts of Aloe Vera gel to the milk, water or green tea liquid then mix it all.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (7)


  • Then add cosmetic clay or mud to the mixture. Add few tablespoons of it and stir it gently until the combo gets smooth.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (4)


  • Take an egg and separate its white portion from the yellow. Mix the white portion with the mixture formed. You can also use chamomile, apricot or rose essential oil.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (1)


  • Wash your skin properly with a cleansing face wash or soap and dry it well with a soft towel.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (5)


  • Now take few amounts of the ready mixture and apply it to your face gently. Apply the mask with the help of your fingers and demo it in a thick layers avoiding the lips and eye area.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (2)


  • Leave the mud mask for 15-20 minutes. After the period of time, rinse off the mask with a warm water and cotton cloth.

Step by Step Tutorial To Make a perfect Mud Facial Mask for Glowing Skin (8)

Checkout More As:

Most effective 6 Natural Beauty Tips to Try

How To take Care of your Lips in Winter?

How to Apply a Perfect Foundation Base?

Most Easy Tips to Get a Smooth and flat Belly



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Beauty Tips and Health FitnessSkin Care

Step By Step Bold Makeup Tutorail To Try For Charming Bold Look

Sexy Hot and Bold Makeup Ideas To Try-

Altering seasons call up for a changes in your closet, make-up box and also in the trends. The following time of year, Many ladies are planning for the audacious appearance with exciting shades in their particular make-up pack. Here i am going to share Step By Step  Bold Makeup Ideas and Tutorial To Try this Season for Charming Look. By adopting these tips and trends you much have a glowing bold look. Try something more daring this season. Below is a list of those Bold Makeup Ideas you actually ought to offer a shot:

Sexy Hot and Bold Makeup Ideas To Try-

Step By Step Bold Makeup Tutorial To Attain a Charming Attractive Daring Look

1. The seductive Bold Smokey Eyes:
Eyes are the main part to be blushed. For your glamorous look one must have a enchanting dark eyes. It is also a very good trend of the black smokey eyes. You can try different dark shades like dark purple, blue or turquoise color. Blend the selected color with a black one lightly to give more daring look. Attempt out there the hottest Elegant desirable smoked shadow color palette out this season.

2. The Modern use of added purple:
This time of year, most women are proceeding with glowing dark added purple not merely on the eye lids but also adopting on the lips. Just try i bet it must suits you and inspire your feelings. Magenta or Purple lips are the in hottest fashion trend. It is striking and stalls out fashion lovers seeking a high decibel transformation this period.

3. The Dark Eye brows:
Now a days you will notice that in all Spring/Summer fashion weeks, there will be a exclusive trend of bold eyebrows. Boldness of your eyebrows will really give a beautiful daring look. Focus on and outline them with hues of dark brown, gold, purple, magenta or black and adore your personality.

4. Pout high decibel with the crimson bold pink lips:
Featuring the lip area with the scarlet a crimson shade is a loud pretty out of perception for a relatively longer period of time. But ladies, it is back with a bang this season! Describe your lips with the your dark fine tone of red and then fill up in the lips for a richer glimpse. Head out for the most shades of bold reddish pink that will be more alluring.

5. Soft Marked Smudge Eyeliner:
Go for blobbing eyeliner on the eyelashes to have a snazzy look eyes to converse loud and distinct. It is vibrant good enough to bring alone without having any kind of lip shade or a mild 1 in case you are not able to only stay without any sort of makeup foundation on your lips. Pair it with a delicate tone on your cheeks, Daring eyeliner can matched with platinum eagle brows is the excellent glance for occasions and parties.

6 Green Nail art paired with Blue Eyes:
One more vivid makeup usage craze this period might be to attempt out the darkest color of eco-friendly green Nail Paint on your nails ideally along with blue nail art paired with brilliant blue blinds on your eyes.

7. White nails:
Use the very best style statement with white-colored nails exciting enough to shut anyone way up and have the head turning patterns to be done.

8. Peachy cheeks:
Use perfectly match skin foundation according to your skin tone. Then apply a few bronzer almost all over your face area such as your forehead, chin, nose area, lower jaw line just after your perfectly matched skin tone foundation. Then for Bold finish make up use a light blush on with Pink shade added. Now this will give a charming Bold Look. Use a good branded high quality cosmetics for your Make over.

You can further go For:

How To Attain a Pink Rosy Lips

Best & Gorgeous Eye Makeup Tutorial

Best Asian Bridal Makeup Ideas

See the Image Below, It Depicts the Bold Look after Following the above steps.

Hot and Bold Makeup Ideas To Try-

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Skin Care

Tips To Get Younger and Soft Skin in Few Days

Tips to get younger and soft skin in few days

Get fresh and younger skin

No matter if you are young like twenty years or old like forty, keeping a smooth younger and healthy skin can be actually hard. When you or somebody more touches your own skin you might like to feel it becoming soft and smooth. As individuals grow the skin evolves a number of dermal problems or issues which may consist of a dry dull  and open or bigger  pores. Several of these situations come as result of hormonal changes in the body, skin exposure to intense heat from the sun, having a hot shower or bath, some harsh soaps, a poor nutrition and genetics.

You must be able to understand that the elegance of the skin is situated in the eyes of the viewer and that healthy skin is a single that is free from illness, blemishes and acne. High quality skin care methods should be used in order to have a young looking healthy. In order to stay with a soft younger and healthy crease free skin it is very essential to research the cause which left the skin old and ugly and then apply the preventive tips.

The below are some of the tips that should be applied in order to get the best results in few days.

5 Tips For Acquiring Younger & Healthy Skin

Sun protection:

Skin sun protection tips

In accordance to some health research, it has been verified that the majority of of the changes that are observed in an aging skin are as a result of a long term exposure to the sun. In order to secure yourself from the sun and have your skin looking younger and healthy, you must do the following.

  •  Whenever the sun is in its higher strength you should avoid it.
  • The sun really does most of its harm to the skin the time between 10 in the morning and 4pm in the evening.
  • You must reduce the time that you spend on the sun throughout this period.
  • Wear some protecting clothing. Long sleeved shirts and trousers are desired as well as a cap that has a broad brim.
  • You should Use sun screen that has a wide range.

Clean your skin on a normal basis and apply lotion:

Tips to get younger and fresh skin in few days

Most people who have use make up on their skin do not clean it when these people go to sleep thus top to destruction. Cleanup the skin is essential because it takes away dust and bacteria. Clean it in following different ways.

  • You must use warm water but not too hot water and take at most fifteen minutes in the shower.
  • This is because continuous exposure of the skin to hot water prospects to loss of oils from it.
  • If your skin is sensitive, you must avoid using the powerful soaps. Some troublesome chemicals which include perfume and fabric dyes must be frustrated.
  • The sensitive dermal layer should be used treatment of the time when you are getting rid of makeup.
  • After completing you must try to pat the skin so that the moisture stays on it.

Get sufficient sleep:

How to get clear skin in few days

To look younger and smart, you should have sufficient sleep like in no way before. A little sleep makes your skin to look worn out and older even showing some bags under your eyes. You must avoid stress by doing some aerobic exercises which improve the amount of oxygen in the body, which in turn helps the skin to stay lively and fresh. To have enough sleep you should.

  • Stick to a regular bedtime schedule.
  • Take a warm shower before going to bed.
  • Avoid heavy foods during the night. Eat at least 3hours before going to bed.

Use home remedies to get soft skin:

Home made remedies for clear and soft skin

To maintain your dermal layer of face young and healthy it is most recommended that you use some of the natural products that are easily accessible in your kitchen. For example;

  • You must mix some mashed banana with milk. Use the mixture moderately on your face and live it for some twenty minutes. You must wash it off with some cold water.
  • Take a few pieces of papaya and mash them then apply on the full layer of your face and after few minutes rinse off with warm water.

Take a nutritious diet:

How to get good and balanced Nutrition Diet

A healthy and well balanced diet will make your dermal layer(skin) to look more younger and soft. You must take refreshing vegetables, fruits, some fish and eggs and fat free milk among other foods.

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Skin Care

Best Asian Bridal Makeup and Photography By Khawar Riaz

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (6)

Wedding is a most special event in one’s life. Every one want to make his/her wedding day memorable and peculiar and extraordinary because it is a life event and it comes once in life. Everything on this special day must be perfect and ready so that one’s don’t need to have compromise with any of little thing regarding it. The Main thing in wedding for Bridal is the Bridal Make up.  After selecting the wedding Dress you have to select the proper bridal makeup salon for perfect Makeover. Bridal salon offers you many types of makeups and detailed you with the good one which really suits you and you have to select according to your choice and make a satisfied decision according to your personalty.

Impressive Asian Wedding Makeup & Photography By Khawar Riaz

Today i am posting about one of the best salon having a vast name in makeup field and photography. Khawar Riaz has Great Name in Wedding Makeup and Photography.He has his salon named, Khawar Riaz Salon For Bridal Makeup & Photography.The salon offers complete picture and script for Bridal makeup which includes Wonderful ideas in Bridal Hair Setting, Eye Makeup, Mehndi,Face Makeup etc. It also offers The Wonderful and Mind Blowing Bridal’s photo shoot and have their stunning shots and clicks which really makes your wedding day more special and memorable.It will adds colors to it. Khawar Riaz’s photography is known as the Best Bridal Photography in Pakistan. Here, i am posting some of the wonderful Clicks By Khawar Riaz which you can see, having opulent and elegant makeup and Hair setting. Choose your Makeover type and make your wedding more colorful & gorgeous. Check the images below

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (1)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (2)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (3)

 Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (5)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (7)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (8)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (9)  Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (11)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (13)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (14)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (15)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (16)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (17)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (18)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (19)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (20)

  Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (22)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (23)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (24)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (25) Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (26)

Best Bridal Makeup-Stylesgap (27)



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Skin Care

Best and Gorgeous Makeup For Eyes

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Eye makeup is a type of makeup which aims to make the eyes look much noticeable and more attractive. It is mostly used by females. This makeup can define how natural or dramatic your look is. Whether you want to learn a process you can use every day or look stunning for a special occasion, here’s how to get it right,It is an important part of the fashion and style and is necessary for your face beauty .It is the important part of cosmetic industries. The four Important tools which help you to attain a perfect Eyes Makeup:

  • Mascara.
  • Eye Pencil.
  • Eye shadow.
  • Eye liner.

The Best Tools For Doing Gorgeous Eyes Makeup Tutorials

Eyes Shadow

Eye shadow is a cosmetic that is applied on the the eyelids of eyes and under the eyebrows. The average distance between eyelashes and eyebrows is twice as big in women as in men.The Pale shadow visually enlarges this area and has a feminizing effect. It can be applied in a variety of ways depending upon the desired look and need. This can be done using sponges, fingers, and or brushes. The most important aspect of applying shadow, and makeup in general, is blending well.Special Type of Brushes are use for applying the shadow on eyelids. You can use its color according to your own choice and need. Mostly at events and parties you use the shadow color according the dress color and matching shadows with dress color are more common.Check theses shadows and make yourself more gorgeous and stunning and change your look at the angle of 180.

Shadows Collection

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 Eye Liner

Eye liner is a cosmetic used to define the eyes and make it more prominent to look. It is applied around the contours of the eye, along and above the edges of the eyelids where the eyelashes grow. Often applied just on the outer half. It may be applied on the full eye as to look more prominent and brilliant.The given below are some of the best selective tutorials for eyes makeup which will enhance your complete perfect look.Make your more stylish by keeping in view the latest styles

Eye Liner On Eyes 1

Eye Liner On Eyes 2

Eye Liner On Eyes 3

Eye Liner On Eyes 4

Eye Liner On Eyes 5

Eye Liner On Eyes 6

Eye Liner On Eyes 7

Eye Liner On Eyes 8

Eye Liner On Eyes 9

Eye Liner On Eyes 10

Eye Liner On Eyes 11

Eye Liner On Eyes 12

Eye Liner On Eyes 13

Eye Liner On Eyes

Eye Pencil

Eye pencil is a cosmetic used to make the eyebrows more darken and more prominent to look. It is applied on the eyebrows of eyes may be lightly or dark according to the required need and use. it is more helpful for the ladies having short light eyebrows. It makes the short and light eyebrows more darken and strengthen the natural color of eyebrows. So Eye Pencil is also the basic need to make your eyes more elegant to look.

Eye Pencil on Eyes 2

Eye Pencil on Eyes 3

Eye Pencil on Eyes 4

Eye Pencil on Eyes 7

Eye Pencil on Eyes 8

Eye Pencil on Eyes 9

Eye Pencil on Eyes 10

Eye Pencil on Eyes 11

eyebrow make-up

Eye Pencil on Eyes 13  Eye Pencil on Eyes1


Mascara is a cosmetic used to darken, color, thicken, lengthen, or define the eyelashes of your eyes. Historically, it was and still it is usually black, but now it also comes in many colors and tints. Mascara comes in three forms: liquid, cake, and cream. It is available in tubes with wand applicators. Ingredients in mascara include water, wax thickeners, film-formers, and preservatives. Mascara make the eyes more beautiful and gorgeous to Look.

Images For Mascara

Woman Eye


Msacara 6


The Mascara Tips Mascara 3

mascara tips 2

mascara 8

Mascara 7

Mascara 5

mascara 4

How to Remove Eye Shadow, Eye Liner, Mascara From Eyes?

To remove eye shadow, eye Liner and Mascara from eyes, a commercial eye makeup remover may be used, though a face wash will usually remove all traces of color. Generally it is easy to remove, and simple water and soap can be used. A simple wash with a warm water will remove the eye shadow easily. Eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara may also be removed using baby oil or Olive oil. There are also makeup wipes that may be used.

To Make Eyes More Wonderful To Look

The idea can be taken much further. The color of the eye can be altered by using Contact Lenses. Glitter and other appliques can be stuck on near the eye. Fake and artificial eyelashes or eyelash extensions are possible. Eyebrows plucking is quite common for More beautiful Look.

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